Preface of the Small CatechismPreface of the Small Catechism
So look to it, you pastors and preachers. Our ministry today is something else than it was under the pope. It has become a serious and saving responsibility. Consequently it [...]
So look to it, you pastors and preachers. Our ministry today is something else than it was under the pope. It has become a serious and saving responsibility. Consequently it [...]
Today we look at the longest and most complex creed. It was written to expandupon both the Apostles and Nicene Creeds. It divides into two parts: oneconcerning the Trinity, and [...]
Today we look at the longer of the two more well-known creeds in our weekly worship. This creed was written and codified originally at the First Council of Nicea (325) [...]
This week, we look at the oldest of our confessions, the Apostles’ Creed. This Creed is one of the six Chief Parts of Doctrine, being linked to the ancient Roman [...]
Today we begin another cycle of weekly studies in the Lutheran Confessions. This week we begin with the Preface to the Book of Concord, explaining why all of these documents [...]
Having covered the major things happening around the world while the Lutheran Confessions were being drafted and published, we take a quick look at the decades after the Book of [...]
The Formula of Concord is the last of the Lutheran Confessions to be written. It is the work of six marvelous theologians who sought to bring together the two opposing [...]
The watershed event of the sixteenth century for the Roman Church was the Council of Trent. While there had been many councils before Trent and a few after, none of [...]
In this month’s Confessional Corner, we come back to the Holy Roman Empire and see what transpired between the Presentation of the Augsburg Confession on June 25, 1530, and the [...]
On this month’s Confessional Corner, we look to the Anabaptists, from their beginnings with the Zwickau Prophets on through the Peasants’ War, Jacob Hutter (Hutterites), Menno Simons (Mennonites), and Jakob [...]